Snow Removal Message from the NBRA

NewBrighton cn

The New Brighton Residents Association Board of Directors has carefully reviewed the community’s snow removal needs for the 2024/2025 winter season. Upon careful consideration, the NBRA Board of Directors has selected several high traffic areas which will be maintained by the NBRA maintenance team throughout the winter months. The NBRA will ensure snow removal, as well as sanding/gravel (within 24 hours of the end of snowfall), of the following areas: all four New Brighton entrances and the regional pathways. To ensure maximum enjoyment for residents, snow removal will be completed on NBRA property before the designated areas within the community (NBRA property includes both the hockey and pleasure skating rinks, all entrances into the facility and shop, as well as the parking lot). Once these areas are complete, the NBRA team will proceed into the community. The map below indicates in detail these areas within the community that will be maintained by the NBRA for the 2024/2025 Winter Season.

To ensure the safety of both residents and employees, the NBRA has implemented an extensive safety program which adheres to the standards of the Alberta Safety Construction Association. The program consists of 13 components which contribute to the overall success of the program. In December 2018, the NBRA received COR certification through the ACSA for this program.

For questions or concerns regarding any landscape/winter maintenance maintained by the New Brighton Residents Association, please contact the Facility and Amenities Leader at 403-781-6613, ext. 4 or the General Manager at 403-781-6608.

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