Parkland Cares – December Update

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Season’s Greetings and Merry Christmas to all our Parkland friends and community members. Let’s spread some joy! At this time of year, it can be very fulfilling to lend a helping hand and heart to others in need. We have several opportunities to contribute this season!

This Is Our Ninth Year Helping the Senior Secret Service! Early in November we received the profiles for six seniors. Teams then shop/buy, wrap, label, and deliver the gifts to a designated Calgary Police Station. It’s a great way to spread some holiday cheer.

Warm Feet on the Street: From November 1 to 22, we collected toiletries and warm socks for the Calgary Drop-In Centre for “Warm Feet Warm Hearts”. There were so many generous donations. Thank you to all who contributed and volunteered. As well as a huge thanks to the Lake Bonavista Community Association for the room to assemble the packs.

Fish Creek United Church Adopt-A-Family: We are hoping to make teams again and help one to two local families fill their Christmas wish lists. Let us know if you would like to help spread Christmas Cheer.

Grocery Gift Card Collection: Can you contribute a grocery gift card or two? We will be collecting grocery cards to help local families in need celebrate the season. Families to receive the cards will be identified through local schools. Runs December 1 to 17. Drop off at Park96 office or mailbox.

Take care and take time for kindness.

Please contact us if you have ideas for ways to encourage strong community connections, or if you would like to help with any of our planned events.

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