Parkland Cares June Update

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Huge thank you Parkland and Bonavista! 264 full “Birthday Parties in a Bag” went to the Calgary Food Bank. Our neighbours came together in many ways to make this happen and we want to express gratitude for:

• Generous donations of beautiful gifts for 0 to 12, cake, icing, popcorn, party accessories, books, and stuffies!

• All the amazing volunteers who helped set up and assemble bags. For the laughter and joy, making new friends, reconnecting with our neighbours, and coming together to help others!

• The behind-the-scenes helpers collecting, counting, organizing for weeks prior to the event.

• Our community supporters LBCA, Park 96, MLA Myles McDougall, and previous MLA Richard Gotfried.

• Our additional fundraiser supporters for topping up the generous donations to ensure all neighbours can participate.

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