Parkland Cares – September Update

Parkland cn

Parkland Cares is a community-based organization of families and neighbours committed to helping others.

Time for a Gratitude Shout-Out!

In June Parkland Cares received some amazing donations to support our initiatives. Jamie Newton & Associates and community members donated $550 from the Parade of Garage Sales, we collected back-to-school supplies and $125 from the MLA BBQ with Myles McDougall, and we received donations from Park96 from the community race and Summerfest tip jar! Woohoo!

These donations will support Backpacks for Back-to-School and future initiatives like our Warm Feet and Adopt-a-Family initiatives. We are very grateful for all the ongoing community support.

From August 10 to 25 we once again collected donations of school supplies to fill amazing Backpacks for Back-to-School!

We would love to see you at our September planning meeting. See our Facebook page for details on the date and time or reach out to us anytime.

As always, we look forward to inviting community members to join our planning team and look forward to more exciting initiatives in the fall and in 2025! There is no minimum commitment – volunteer as much or as little as you can!

[email protected]

Parkland Cares Calgary


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