Parkland Cares Update for November

Parkland cn

Parkland Cares is a community-based organization of families and neighbours committed to helping others.

Embracing that fall feeling? Parkland and Bonavista Cares have many upcoming opportunities to warm your heart.

We had a very productive planning meeting in September. There were lots of great ideas and helping hands.

Thank you, Parkland, for all the returnable donations at the Parkland Community Cleanup Day. We made $301 at the depot and received over $160 in cash donations. These funds will go towards our Christmas initiatives. Those volunteers worked hard!

Here are some great upcoming opportunities to make community connections.


• November 1 to 22 – Accepting donations of leftover Halloween candy to donate to Addiction Services in Calgary.

• November 1 to 22 – Collecting new socks and toiletries for our Warm Feet Warm Hearts initiative.

• Saturday, November 23 from 1:00 to 3:30 pm – Warm Feet Warm Hearts volunteer package assembly day.

• Senior Secret Service Teams and Gifts. We have requested six local seniors to sponsor.


• Adopt-A-Family Christmas gifts.

• Collecting grocery gift cards for local schools to support families in need.

New Year/Spring

• January/February – Collecting for Basically Babies layettes for mothers in need. Volunteer opportunities.

• March – Volunteer opportunities with Brown Bagging for Calgary Kids.

• April – Birthday Bags for the Calgary Food Bank.

• June – Accepting Parade of Garage Sale donations to support initiatives.

Drop off locations at Lake Bonavista Community Association and Park 96. Reach out to us for more information or if you have ideas for making great community connections.

Parkland Cares Calgary

[email protected]


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