Parkland Upcoming News and Events

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Parkland’s Community Cleanup

Judging by the amount collected, the cleanup was a whopping success! Following is an account of what was gathered:

• Four full garbage trucks of material which included lots of decks and fences, mattresses, and ancient furniture

• One full metal bin

• 2,900 kilograms of electronics

• One truck of donations

There were non-stop cars from 8:30 am to 1:45 pm! Thanks to the volunteers, Josh and Rich on ‘Metal’, Our awesome Greeter Steve, and the muscles helping remove items from your vehicles and trailers, Mario, Mike, John, Dawson, and Stacey. Nick from The Gardener also used their truck to help neighbours move large and bulky items!

To the community, a big thank you as we raised over $400 from the collection of beverage containers and cash donations for Parkland Cares Christmas initiatives. Our tummies were full thanks to MLA Myles McDougall and No Frills, who donated gift cards used for food, water, and power snacks for our team. We greatly appreciate your support. Performance Waste, Technotrash, and Cerebral Palsy Association in Alberta also helped make the day a success. Next year, watch for notices to volunteer and join our team!

Halloween Party

Thank you to everyone who attended the Parkland Community Association Halloween Dance. Judging by the number of cars parked at the hall and on the streets around the hall, it was a well-attended event! There were so many fabulous costumes and decorated cakes, it was hard to choose the winners! A special thanks to our sponsors and those who donated; our MLA Myles McDougall who donated candy and jellybeans for our ‘guess the jellybeans in the jar contest’ and to the City of Calgary for providing signage leading up to our event.

Baseline DJ and Photo Booth did a great job helping us dance the night away in their costumes. Attendees were able to enjoy food from the Blues Delight Food Truck, and last, most importantly, thank you to the organizers Lana Bedard, Mary Simon- Johnston of Jamie Newton and Associates, and our volunteers whose assistance was invaluable: Corey, Claire and Noah Simon Johnston, Lisa, Jason, Jacelyn and Gia Gallant, Willow Anderson, Connor Haight, Jennifer Rocker, Pat Teed, and Blake Robinson.

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