Upcoming Events in Parkland

Parkland cn

May Knitting Lessons

May 13, 20, June 3, and 10

Knitting lessons are on Saturday afternoons in May. All classes are from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.

The cost is $50 and community membership is required.

Drop in is now available. If you want to come for partial attendance, the charge is $14 per drop-in.

If you don’t have a membership, one can be readily purchased from the office. The cost is $25.

To register, email the hall at [email protected].

We need four registrants to make this class a ‘go’.

If you have any questions regarding suitable projects, or any questions at all, feel free to email the hall at [email protected] or phone 403-278-5330.

New! Farm Stand Coming to Parkland

May 20, June 3, 10, 17, and 24

10:00 am to 2:00 pm at Parkland Hall

Parkland will be host to Shirley’s Greenhouse! Shirley’s greenhouse grows and sells cucumbers, tomatoes, hot peppers, bell peppers, butter lettuce, and kale.

Volunteer Tea

Saturday, June 10 from noon to 2:00 pm

As mentioned before, we couldn’t put on our programs and events without the help of volunteers. Therefore, we are having our first annual volunteer tea at the hall. The intent is to recognize the efforts of our volunteers whilst enjoying a light luncheon and cake! So that we can compile a complete list, please contact the hall at [email protected] to add your name to the list. RSVPs will be emailed in late May.

Parkland Soccer

Starts on May 1 at Parkland Hall

We are looking forward to our next soccer season! Our season will start on May 1 and go until June 28. We play Monday and Wednesday nights. U4 to U8 play from 6:00 to 7:00 pm and 8+ play from 7:00 to 8:00 pm. This year we are hoping to include U12 and U14 if we have the interest for it. We are a volunteer-based program and are always in need of coaches and team managers! We are very excited to run our program and look forward to seeing our fields full of kids playing soccer. For more information, email [email protected] or go to www.parklandyyc.ca.

Parage of Garage Sales

June 17

Parkland Community Association is thrilled to announce this year’s Parade of Garage Sales on June 17 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, sponsored by Jamie Newton and Associates. To register for the garage sale, go to www.jamienewton.ca/map and give your address, name, and telephone number.

What’s included in the registration:

• Garage sale sign

• Advertisement on a neighbourhood bold sign

• Advertisement on the online map

• Advertisement on the “Yard Sale Treasure Map” application in the Apple or Google app stores

• Advertisement on the printed map available for pick up at the hall

Canada Day

We will be having a Western theme this year, full details in the next newsletter. Make it a date!

Click here to the Parkland Community News home page for the latest Parkland community updates.