Cedarbrae’s April President’s Message

Cedarbrae pm

Hello Cedarbrae residents and friends from other communities,

I hope you will be celebrating your Easter with family or friends. April also marks other celebrations or recognition opportunities:

  • April 1: (guess??)
  • April 7: World Health Day
  • April 9: Vimy Ridge Day (a visit to the Memorial in France should be on your Bucket List!)
  • April 18: Husband Appreciation Day (Wife appreciation day is the third Sunday of September)
  • April 24: Start of Ramadan
  • April 30: Tax Deadline Day (Ugh!)

April also marks the renewal of our gardens, yards and other outdoor pursuits, weather permitting, of course. Check out our community garden lots behind the Community Centre and, if you are interested, rent one this season for the satisfaction of growing your own produce or flowers. See Darrell Ogden’s excellent gardening article in this newsletter.

Talking of renewal, our Community Association memberships expire at the end of April so please accept this early reminder to renew. Our Community Centre is here to provide you a great opportunity to participate in social recreation. Your membership provides you with discount to the Association’s programs such as Pickleball, Zumba and our Senior’s Group. Revenue from our membership (only $25 for family, $15 for Senior) helps to maintain the building as well as fund events that we host, such as our Stampede BBQ and Winterfest celebrations. Your social recreation opportunities also extend into independent groups who rent space in our building to provide you with a wide range of pursuits (or entertainment) such as Professional Wrestling, Contemporary Dancing, Western Line Dancing, Yoga, Fencing, Essentrics® Stretch & Strengthen, Qi Gong, Indoor Ball Hockey, Youth Indoor Soccer and, starting in May, Kanto Sho Karate and Youth Theater Production. Stay tuned through our website https://mycedarbrae.ca/ for up-to-date information, or call our office.

Our Board Members are a great bunch of volunteers and we are always thankful of other volunteers too. In particular, volunteers for our April 22 and 23 Casino fundraiser are still needed. If you are interested in helping, please call Kathy in our office at 403-251-2101.

Did you know that The City is re-jigging some of the Ward boundaries, including parts of our own Ward 11? Checkout their website at https://engage.calgary.ca/wardboundaries?redirect=/wardboundaries. If you see any issues or concerns with The City’s proposals, you can provide direct feedback at their website until the end of April. It is expected that the new boundaries will be approved in July 2020 after public hearings and will be in effect for the 2021 elections.

Supporting Community,

Martin Waugh
