Cedarbrae’s President’s Message for November

Cedarbrae pm

The Community centre re-opened in early-October with an initial limited, phased, and careful policy approach. We have engaged additional facility cleaning services to keep the facility clean in-between users, and several of our regular programs and renters have embraced the opportunity to adopt the necessary health protection protocols too.

At this time of writing we have Pickleball, Men’s Indoor Floor Hockey, and Zumba programs running, and renters include Counterpoint Dance, Chinook Line Dancers, and Badminton Group.

Unfortunately, we have had to make a difficult decision to cancel our usual Christmas Craft Market normally held in December. It just did not seem practical or safe within the health protocols and guidelines currently in effect.

We hope to continue expanding our Community centre use with additional programs or renters but will do so within the limited, phased, and careful approach. If you are thinking of a program you’d like to offer, a meeting or AGM, or a gathering you would like to hold, please call Kathy Zabaneh in our office at 403-251-2101 to discuss the possibilities. We would love to help you! See you at The Centre.

Supporting Community,

Martin Waugh