CKE’s Community Garden Update for October

ChinookPark cn

In Calgary, the first frost typically occurs between September 11 and 20. But of course, our seasons are never typical!

Regardless of when it happens, the first frost signals the start of fall cleanup. Anything that is tender will immediately decline, with stems and leaves often turning mushy, and fruit being damaged. Usually, we harvest these crops before the frost – tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, beans, summer squash, and basil. If you know frost is coming you can cover them with frost cloth to try to get a bit more time in the ground.

Other vegetables can handle frost without flinching. Kale, onions, parsley, spinach, chard, broccoli, beets, cabbage, and carrots can all withstand temperature below zero. It is often said that some vegetables actually taste better after a frost. Why is this the case?

As plants grow, the process of photosynthesis produces starch which is how the plant stores energy. Enzymes then convert starch to sugar. As cold weather approaches, the sugar to starch ratio is increased. The higher concentration of sugar in the cells lowers the temperature at which the cells freeze. Just like putting salt on an icy pathway, the high concentration of molecules prevents ice from forming. This allows plants to survive colder temperatures, and a side benefit for gardeners is the sweeter taste. Just be sure to dig your root veggies up before the ground freezes solid.

The CKE garden will have a fall cleanup event. Why not drop by and check out what our gardeners have produced this year! And stay tuned for fall and winter events.

Happy gardening!

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