CKE’S January President’s Message


Happy New Year to all of our CKE neighbours. I hope the holiday season has been good to everyone. 2019 was certainly a big year for the CKE! I wanted to take this opportunity to thank our Board members for their hard work and commitment throughout this past year. The support of our donors has also been instrumental in making our vision of what the CKE Hall could be, a reality. We are so fortunate to have such dedicated and generous community members. On that note, we are pleased to welcome AnneMarie Dorland to our Board as a new Communications Co-Director. AnneMarie has an extensive communications background and will no doubt be an invaluable asset to our team. Thanks, AnneMarie, for your support and welcome aboard.

We anticipate an exciting 2020 with our continued hall activities and some fantastic new events on the horizon. Community members have been utilizing the spaces at the hall to host a number of different gatherings, from meetings to birthday parties. We had a great turn out for our Gym and Gin event on December 20th; it was great to see our community kids and their parents out for some fun. Our recreation team is working on scheduling Open Gym Time for CKE members’ families; stay tuned for more information on this. We are very excited to host another January Blues party on Jan. 31st featuring the entertaining Dueling Piano Kings This is sure to be an exciting evening so mark your calendars.

Looking ahead to 2020, we will be looking to fill some board positions as some of our Directors will be stepping down or moving into different roles. New Directors are usually voted in during our Spring AGM which will be on Wednesday, May 20th but if you’re interested in learning more before then, you are welcome to attend any of our monthly Board Meetings which are held on the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm.

Wishing you and your family a Happy 2020!

Merritt Ranseth

President, CKE CA