A Big Thank You to the 55 Volunteers That Supported the Clean-up Day


Thank you to our community partners that provided food and beverages to the volunteers!!!!

  • Knox Presbyterian Church
  • Chartwell Royal Park Retirement Residence
  • Boston Pizza – Richmond Road
  • Starbucks – Sarcee Plaza


Thank you to our community partners that helped us reduce and recycle so that our footprint on the earth is lighter.

  • Performance Waste Management – Greg Wilson, a Rutland Park resident
  • Scouts – Glendale 101
  • OK Tire – Richmond Road
  • Recycle Logic – Currie Barracks
  • Clothesline Diabetes Association
  • Bicycles for Humanity


A special shout out goes out to the youth of our community. Abiygael, Michaella, and Hidayah organized a Snack Stand and donated a percentage of the proceeds to Bicycles for Humanity. This is a grassroots movement that recycles bicycles and gets them into the hands of people that need them in Calgary, Mexico and Africa. They presented Thian, from the Calgary Chapter of Bicycles for Humanity, with 20 bikes and $120. The money is used to purchase parts to get bikes in running order. Well done, girls!