Brentwood’s September Development and Transportation Committee Update


Submitted by Melanie Swailes on behalf of the BCA Development and Transportation Committee

Cannabis Store Applications – FAQ

herbalhemp / Pixabay

When can businesses start selling cannabis?

New federal legislation comes into effect on October 17. Development Permit (DP) applications are being processed now so that stores can be ready on this date.

What types of cannabis businesses are going to be allowed in Calgary?

Three types: cannabis stores, cannabis facility, and cannabis counselling.

  • A cannabis store displays, sells, or offers for sale cannabis and must have a provincial retail cannabis licence.
  • A cannabis facility is a business where the primary use includes the growing, processing, producing, testing, destroying, storing, or distribution of cannabis.
  • A cannabis counselling business provides counselling by persons who are not medical professionals on cannabis use.

What types of applications has the BCA received?

The BCA has received 5 Development Permit applications for cannabis stores.

Where are they located?

  1. DP2018-1944 – 1343 Northmount Dr NW, on the NE corner of Brisebois and Northmount
  2. DP2018-2251 – 1330 Northmount Dr NW, on the SW corner of Brisebois and Northmount
  3. DP2018-1826 – 4122 Brentwood Rd NW, beside the Brentwood Co-op
  4. DP2018-1717 – #110, 30 Brentwood Commons NW, in University City in the Green Building
  5. DP2018-1814 – 5505 Shaganappi Trail NW, beside the Dalhousie Co-op

You can find all the DP applications city-wide on this map:

What if there are 2 applications within 300 metres of each other?

The application that was received first will be processed first (i.e. the one with the lower DP application number). Both will not be approved.

What are the rules around public consumption of cannabis?

  • Public use rules for cannabis will be like those for public consumption of alcohol. (For example, cannabis stores may sell the product but you can’t consume the product in their store or on the public property around the store.)
  • It will be illegal to consume cannabis in any form (smoking, vaping, or edibles) in public places. An exemption will apply for medical cannabis.
  • Council has designated special cannabis consumption areas, use at festivals, etc.

Detailed information about cannabis use and store applications is available on the City of Calgary website. Go to and enter “Cannabis store business guide”.

If you are interested in community planning and redevelopment issues, we welcome new members to join us. We meet at 7:00 p.m. on the first Monday of every month in the Sportsplex Boardroom. We will not be meeting in August so our next meeting will be on September 10, 2018. Contact the BCA for more information at [email protected] or at 403–284-3477.