Discovery Ridge’s President’s Message for January


Happy 2022!

It’s time to start the new year with renewed hope and a better health and economic outlook for everyone. First, I would like to thank the DRCA Board members for their hard work last year. Despite no major events, the Board was busy working on several projects such as working with the City on Griffith Woods issues, planning, pathways, traffic, and hosting the community cleanup, working with the Calgary Police Service for more patrols and crime prevention, resurfacing the tennis courts, installing a new theft proof bottle shack, and lastly hosting food truck events.

Second, I would like to thank all the residents that purchased their $25 annual DRCA membership. The two sources of revenue for the DRCA are membership fees and the bottle shack to cover operating costs for the association. Our largest costs are facilities and event insurance (which has seen double digit price increase every year) and annual financial audit costs. So far, we only have 520 DRCA household members out of 1650 household in the community. If you haven’t purchased your membership, please go online at

Third, I would like to thank the residents that have attended our monthly DRCA board meetings. Some of them have decided to join the Board as a member at large or have taken active roles on our committees. We welcome residents to see your DRCA in action and sit as a guest at one of our meetings. Our meeting is online and are usually the first Monday of each month from 7:30 to 9:00 pm. If you would like an invite to our next online meeting, please email me below.

Fourth, I would like to thank our community businesses. They have had a very difficult two years with COVID restrictions. Many of them are small family operated businesses and the revenue hit has been material to them. Please support our local business where you can since they are an important part of the community and helps makes Discovery Ridge one of the best communities in Calgary.

Lastly, the DRCA Annual General Meeting is coming up in February. The AGM will be online and open to all residents, however only DRCA paid members can vote at the meeting. During meeting will be also looking for new Executive and Board members. If you are interested in finding out more what’s involved to be on the Board, please reach to me or any of our existing executives. Details about the AGM will be sent to DRCA members and posted on the website.

On behalf of the DRCA Board wishing you a happy and healthy new year!

Anil Tahiliani

[email protected]