Eau Claire’s Land Use Amendment Update: 610 – 2 Avenue SW

EauClaire cn

Last fall you may have noticed several Land Use Amendment signs on the two large parking lots, between Eau Claire Avenue SW and 2 Avenue SW, and between 4 Street SW and 6 Street SW (see Figure 1). The City also mailed information on this application to Eau Claire residents. These two parcels of land have long been managed by QuadReal Property Group (QR) on behalf of the British Columbia Investment Management Corporation. QR have now applied to the City Planning and Development department for a high-density development.

With this application, QuadReal is currently proposing an eight-tower development, being approximately 20 to 40 stories in height (see Figure 2), which would add around 1,800 to 2,100 additional units to Eau Claire. The only known information that QR has shared is that this will be a phased development, built tower by tower, based on market demand with construction that could last 16-plus years. QR has said that they would plan to start construction with Tower Four, which is right across from the tall Princeton Grand condominium tower along Eau Claire Avenue SW.

There have been various discussions between ECCA, the City, and QuadReal in hopes of receiving more detailed information for the community. Currently as is stands, ECCA is opposed to this Land Use Amendment application based on the following priority issues and concerns and how it relates to the community of Eau Claire as a whole:

• QR is looking to amend the Eau Claire Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) with much higher density modifiers of approximately 25 percent on the west lot and 62.5 percent on the east lot. Our area ARP is an official City of Calgary developed and approved document which should not be significantly amended for a developer without a new comprehensive, including shadow and traffic studies completed by the City and with input from ECCA.

• To date, QR has not presented any detailed plans for the community to understand what will be built, how it will be built (setbacks etc.), or what it is going to look like. ECCA strongly feels that these two very special parcels of land deserve a master-planned approach which could better foster the association’s mission of creating a vibrant connected community and hopefully more broadly integrate with any future plans for the Eau Claire market lands.

• QR has not conducted any meaningful community engagement with the exception of a virtual session that was held on October 23/24. This is concerning to ECCA as the residents and businesses of Eau Claire have not been given a proper chance to learn about and then comment to the City or our Ward 7 Councillor on this development.

As part of QRs previous lapsed Development Permit for a larger, more master planned project, the City of Calgary sold the piece of 5 Street SW between Eau Claire Avenue SW and 2 Avenue SW to QR. Given the complete change of scope to QRs new development, ECCA feels it is no longer appropriate for QR to own and control this very important community roadway.

• ECCA has seen a drawing of the first planned building (Tower 4) which shows a proposal of the west curb of 5 Street SW being moved into the west lane of the roadway that is currently used by vehicles and bicycles. This would highly alter the working of this roadway even if QR does not intend to fully close it. This potential planned encroachment into 5 Street SW would effectively close off a large part of the current well-used roadway in order to add density at a serious cost to the community. We will keep the community informed on this important issue as the discussions unfold. This piece of 5 Street SW is integral to the community for many reasons. We have heard the City may be looking to re-acquire this roadway from QR and ECCA will actively work to encourage the City to do so.

• Eau Claire is the original beating heart of Calgary. It’s where Calgarian’s have gone and will continue to go to connect with family and friends. We believe this application and any future development on these lands right off the Bow River pathway not only affects the residents and businesses of Eau Claire, but the entire city. ECCA will continue to update the community on this Land Use Amendment application. Should you wish to comment on this development you can email the following:

• Colleen Renne-Grivell, File Manager, City of Calgary Planning and Development: [email protected]

• Councillor Terry Wong, Ward 7: [email protected]

• ECCA: [email protected]

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