Evergreen’s February President’s Message

Evergreen pm

Hello Evergreen Residents,

I hope all is well. CECA held the first monthly meeting on January 6 via Google Meet. During the meeting we discussed plans for 2022.

Evergreen’s Community Ice Rink is again up and running this year and plans on adding night lights are on-going. A huge thank you goes to the fire department for helping us with flooding the rink and to the ice rink volunteers (Evergreen Rink Rats) for their continuing commitment to serving the community. If you would like to help us in maintaining the rink, please send an email to [email protected] to include your name on the list of volunteers.

For this year, the board approved a few events including the Easter Egg Hunt, Winter Festival, and Community Clean Up. Baby Sitting and Home Alone courses and the Summer Soccer programs were also approved. Depending on funding, restrictions, and availability of volunteers, we may add other programs and events. Please check our website and social media outlets for updates.

The events that are run by CECA are free for members. Courses offered by third parties come with a nominal cost. Cost of membership is $20 per family per year. Memberships help us in running community events and maintaining the community ice rink.

You can buy a membership via our website at www.myceca.ca or onsite during any of the events. Please bring cash with you or purchase membership in advance.

Finally, if you would like to become part of the team, please feel free to email me directly and we can provide any information you need to become a member of our Board.

Thank you for your continued support. Stay safe!

Mohamd Sltan

President, Calgary Evergreen Community Association (CECA)

[email protected]