Evergreen’s January President’s Message

Evergreen pm

Happy New Year…

Hello Evergreen Residents,

We hope you all had joyous holidays with families and friends.

The year 2020 was a unique year with challenges to all, being individuals or communities, with the sudden appearance and surge of COVID-19 cases that forced us to change our daily habits, lifestyle, and routines. On a positive note, these challenges showed the strength of our community when all stood up in collaborative efforts and hand in hand (well, not literally!) to help out. Please keep up the good work and do the best to reduce the potential of spread of this virus. Please follow the measures and protocols of hand sanitizing, wearing masks, keeping the minimum distance, minimize exposure to others, etc.

I frequently get calls from residents asking if Calgary Evergreen Community Association (CECA) and Evergreen Residents Association (ERA) are separate entities and the answer is yes. In fact, the answer is in the name of each. CECA is a community association that provides programs and events for the community. We run and maintain the ice rink, have our input and suggestions to traffic issues, and more. All CECA activities are funded via membership sales ($20 per family, per year), grants, and generous donations of businesses and residents. On the other hand, the Evergreen Residents Association is responsible of the ongoing operations and maintenance of the community entrance features and feature park sites.

For more information, please visit the Calgary Evergreen Community Association (CECA) website, https://www.myceca.ca/, or the Evergreen Residents Association (ERA) website, https://www.evergreenresidents.ca/.

We are always looking for people like yourself to help out. If you would like to join us, we have a few board member vacancies. You can also help us by volunteering in our year around community events. Please email [email protected] if you are interested.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mohamd Sltan


403-397-7722| [email protected]

Calgary Evergreen Community Association (CECA) | www.myceca.ca