Evergreen’s Message from the Board for October


by Paul Bushell, CECA VP

Hello Evergreen Residents,

As fall approaches, we hope everyone has had a safe and excellent summer. With luck, the snow has not fallen yet. If it has, keep in mind those around you, your neighbours, delivery people, and those who are not able to clear the walks themselves.

With these days of the pandemic, please stay informed as to what the health officials communicate, and take all necessary precautions to keep you, your family, and the people around you healthy and safe. If we all do our part, hopefully it will not last much longer.

Annual General Meeting

The AGM of CECA has unfortunately been postponed. We will keep our members and residents informed as what the next steps will be. You maybe asking why we are not holding it online. That directive was removed by the Alberta Government halfway through August. Unless there is a directive in our bylaws, we have to hold an in-person AGM. We are waiting for the time that we can make the adjustment. Announcements for our members will be made by email, and also announced online when we know more.

Events and Programs

As announced last month, our events and programs for 2020 have been cancelled, but we are looking into any that can be held safely and with distancing. Watch for any announcements. Follow our website and social media channels for updates.

The committee continues to work on preparing for events in 2021.

Monthly Board Meetings

The board of CECA continues to meet on the first Thursday of every month. We are meeting online, and any resident of Evergreen is welcome to attend. Please contact us at [email protected] to receive an invite to the meeting.


Please continue to support CECA by purchasing or renewing your membership. To help support all that we are planning for next year, including the outdoor ice rink, we need your support.

You can purchase and renew your memberships at www.myceca.ca/membership.

Membership still gives you discounts at many local businesses.

The outdoor rink also needs your support to happen this winter. If you would like to contribute to the rink, please contact us at [email protected].

If you are a member, one way you can help is by telling the people around you and encourage them to get a membership.

Contact Us

Please contact us if you have any concerns, questions, and/or want to know how you can help in Evergreen. Send an email to [email protected].