Evergreen’s Message from the CECA Board for August

Hello Evergreen Residents!

We hope you are enjoying your summer! Stay safe out there!

Board Meetings

CECA board meetings begin again in August and of course any resident of Evergreen is welcome to attend. Contact us at [email protected] to get an invite, as we are still meeting virtually. Board meetings are now happening on the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm.

Board Positions

We have the following two vacancies on our board:

Casino Director – It is asked many times in the community why there are no amenities. The funding usually comes from hosting AGLC casinos. We would like to reapply for this and are in need of a Casino Director. The Casino would help us raise funds that we can use to build a permanent rink and sport surface and would support many other operational needs of the community.

Events Director – We are also in need of an Events Director. This position looks after the committees that help organize our events throughout the year. Primarily the Winterfest/Family Day Skate, Easter Egg Hunt, and Community Cleanup. Our Events Director is moving into another position but will be around to show someone what to do.

If you would be interested in either position, please contact us at [email protected].


A reminder to keep your membership renewed or to purchase one, so that you can take part in the benefits of being a member, including attendance to all our events, attendance to special member-only events, and discounts available to you from various businesses in the area.

You can purchase and/or renew your membership at www.myceca.ca/membership. Mail-in is also possible by using the membership form in the newsletter or downloading it from the website.

Get Involved!

On top of the two board positions that we are hoping to fill, we are always looking for volunteers to help with our events. There are many committees to join as well. We would like to form a Fundraising Committee to help us raise money to facilitate amenities in the community and an Events Committee that would help with each of the annual events and hopefully help us start having an annual festival again. There are a couple of new events we would like to have and a few area events we would like to participate in. The more people we have helping with events, the more the workload is spread, and the more we can do.

If you want more information on any of this, please email [email protected].

If you would just like to volunteer at our events, email [email protected] to find out more.

Follow us on social media, and our website to stay up to date on what is happening in Evergreen!

If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas please contact us at [email protected].

Thank you for your continued support!

Paul Bushell, CECA Vice-President, on behalf of the rest of the board