Edgemont’s President’s Message for August


August in Edgemont. It sounds like a story to be written. Will it be a mystery, or a romance? I can only speculate as I write this column in early July. I leave it to you to fill in the blanks.

Since my last message, I have been contacted by a few residents with concerns about goings on in our community. The first one relates to dogs and the area adjacent to Tom Baines School. As much as we like our furry friends, there are areas where dogs are not allowed. To refresh your memory, you can visit the City of Calgary’s website at: https://www.calgary.ca/csps/abs/bylaws-by-topic/dogs.html. Most complaints are owners not picking up after their pets, dogs off-leash in non-designated areas, and dogs not under control of their owners, particularly on the pathways. In addition, some have noticed that dogs are running loose on sports fields and playgrounds. We know that most pet owners in Edgemont are responsible and set a good example. This is a friendly reminder to the others.

Fences seem to be top of mind for some residents. What I am talking about in particular are the sides of the fences that face the public, such as on Sarcee Trail and Edgepark Blvd. If you take a drive by, you will notice some fences in disrepair. Property owners may not realize that they are responsible for both sides of the fence. We would like to encourage residents to address repairs to make sure that their fences are structurally solid and to consider giving them a coat of paint. To help with this, ECA has arranged a discount on paint. Here are the details:

Spyhill Cloverdale Paint Store, 30 7700 110 Ave NW, Calgary, AB Canada T3R 1R8

The paint discount for residents is called Edgemont Community Association – account code 054EDGEMON

In terms of pricing, you’re looking at a rough 40 to 50% discount on paints and 30 to 40% on supplies.

The core products for the fences are:

72403 – SharkSkin Solid Stain – $40.99/gallon

72303 – WeatherOne Solid Stain – $30.99/gallon

Deep and clear bases will run $2/gallon more.

If it’s labour that’s holding you back, let me know. We are considering a volunteer painting program similar to the Snow Angels program in place for snow removal. You provide the paint, the supplies and, subject to availability, we would find volunteers to give you a hand. The result is a welcoming, well cared for neighbourhood.

On August 13, join your neighbours at the Edgemont Community Centre for a night of blues! The Gunn Blues Band will be joining us once again to share their talents. It’s a musical night under the stars and it’s free. Bring your blankets and chairs. Set up will likely be similar to last year with the concert “venue” on the southwest side of the building.

On Thursday evenings, we will continue to host a farmer’s stand in the parking lot. This is a good opportunity to scoop up fresh produce for your kitchen. I know the promotion for this event lead folks to believe we would have a full-fledged farmers’ market. Right now, we’re starting small and who knows what will come next! Food Trucks continue on the last Thursday of the month. Please support these initiatives.

Enjoy the summer and take time to walk around our community to appreciate the flowers, the walking paths, and those little rabbits that seem to pop up from time to time. I’ve noticed that so many more people are walking and most seem to want to have a friendly conversation. Get to know your neighbours. It only takes “Hi” to get the ball rolling.

As always, check the Edgemont website for the latest information.

Pamela Wilson
