Evergreen’s Traffic and Safety Update for May

Evergreen cn

Please slow down, drive safely, and watch out for each other!


Fish Creek Blvd Traffic

We are continuing to work with the city to see what changes can be made to slow the traffic down on Fish Creek Blvd, as people still use it to access the SW Ring Road. In the meantime, please take the increase in speed and volume into account.

Kids Playing Outside

As the weather gets warmer and there is more daylight, the kids tend to get outside more to play. As the health restrictions of the pandemic lift, there is more of a chance that they are outside playing. Please make sure that they do not play on the road and travel safely to the local park. Drivers, pay attention to kids on or close to the road. Their actions can be unpredictable.


That time of year is at hand again! Let’s try and make Evergreen pothole free! Please report potholes or sunken utility cuts to 311.


Car Safety

Keep your valuables out of sight and lock your cars. Car prowling is up over the past few months. Hide it or lose it! It is a difficult time, and some people are looking for easy pickings, this includes your hitch for the trucks. Don’t give it to them! Lock your doors and keep valuables out of sight. That includes your garage door opener which might be used later by thieves.

Develop a Routine!

Develop a 9PM routine to check that all cars, trucks, house, and garage doors are secure. If you are heading out for the weekend, ensure you have locked everything before you leave.


As spring gets into more gear keep an eye out for more wildlife in parks and yards. Keep your pets and kids close by!

Renovations and Repairs

A lot of houses in Evergreen and neighbourhood are undergoing repairs due to last year’s hailstorm. Please be careful while walking/ driving around work areas and keep kids and pets away from them.


Once again, if you witness any traffic issues on an ongoing basis, please take the time to both report it to me at [email protected] and also via the Traffic Service Request directly to the police. This can be done at http://www.calgary.ca/cps/Pages/Traffic/Traffic-Service-Requests.aspx.

Please report road and sign issues to 311. This can be done by calling 311, or online at http://www.calgary.ca/CS/CSC/Pages/311.aspx or at the app website http://spot311.calgary.ca.

If you have any traffic or safety questions or concerns, or wish to comment on anything written here, you can email [email protected] or [email protected].


Paul Bushell, Traffic Director and Utsav Agrawal, Safety Director