A September Update from the Glamorgan Community Association

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Hello! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer, despite how different it may have been from previous years. We really miss you all!

I know that all of you are looking for information about what’s happening with the Community Association and when we will be back up and running. Because articles for the Focus must be submitted one month in advance of publishing, this was written in July. At this time, there’s not a lot of information to pass along. We, the Board of Directors and I, have been working hard to secure funding to support the GCA and create a reopening plan. This is a huge undertaking and will take some time. Community Associations are in a unique position with regard to COVID relaunch regulations. We do not operate one static business. We must follow the rules for many different sectors as laid out by both the City of Calgary and the Province of Alberta. We must comply with regulations for Child Care, Fitness, Yoga, Massage, Private Gathering, etc. The capacity of the building (Main Hall, Seminar Room, and Conference Room) with social distancing has gone from 285 to 60. Because we are a City-owned business, masks are now mandatory, and we must ensure that all touch surfaces like door handles, tables, chairs, and bathrooms are sanitized after every user group. Determining how all of this will look takes some time. As soon as we have a plan laid out, we will post it to our website and Facebook page. I’d like to thank you all for all of the patience you all have shown during this difficult time.

In regard to financial assistance, we have applied and been approved for the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy, Alberta Government Small and Medium Enterprise Relaunch Grant, and the COVID-19 Relief Funding from the City of Calgary. We are incredibly thankful for this help, which has allowed us to continue taking care of the Community Association without falling into financial ruin.

On another note, our 2020 Annual General Meeting is coming up on September 18. Like most things lately, it will look much different. The meeting will be held as a Zoom meeting. Residents who wish to attend will need to ensure that their Community Membership is valid. If it has expired, please go to https://www.myglamorgan.ca/members/login.php to purchase or renew. The Zoom invitation will be emailed to members the week of September 8. Once you’ve received the invitation, you will be able to register for the meeting. The meeting can also be attended by calling in, should you not have a camera and microphone on your computer. If you do not receive an email by September 14, please contact the office. We’d like to thank Len Simon ahead of time for volunteering to Chair the meeting again this year. We know he’ll do a wonderful job!

Also, thanks go out to Jodi Marie and Florence Carter for volunteering to take care of the flower beds at the Community Association. It’s so appreciated! Thank you to Jonah Salomons for watering the lawns for us. Thanks go out to Tyler Polzen for helping out with all sorts of interesting errands over the past few months. Lastly, thank you the Board of Directors. You do so much for the community quietly in the background. Your dedication is amazing!

Normally, we’d be looking forward to Pub Night and the Community Clean-Up in September. We won’t be able to see each other at either of these this year, but all is not lost. Wine Survivor will go ahead, with a few changes. We will be accepting entries between September 1 and 30. Entry is $10 per person and a $15 Gift Card to the wine shop of your choice. Entry can be paid with either cash or credit card, and entries can be dropped into the mailbox at the Hall. Elimination draws will start in October with the winners being announced December 4. Please look for the ad in this newsletter for the entry form and more details.

Finally, I’d just like to say that I cannot wait until I can see everyone again. When you can pop into the office and we can sit down and have a chat. When Seniors Corner can run again and maybe share their egg salad sandwiches with me. When Pub Night, the Halloween Party, and Volunteer Appreciation can bring us all together again. Until then, please be safe, be kind, and know that I think about you all the time.

Sara Polzen