Glamorgan’s Community Updates and News for March

Glamorgan cn


Please come out and join us at our Annual AGM on June 19, 2025, at 7:00 pm.

Community Ice Rink

The Glamorgan Outdoor Rink urgently needs volunteers to help with clearing and flooding the rink over the winter months. Please contact Cam at 403-801-8624 to volunteer. Thank you to our amazing existing volunteers for their time and effort, the ice has been amazing and so many people are out enjoying it!

Building Update

The Seminar room and Conference room are open for rentals, please email the office regarding booking availability. The City of Calgary is obtaining construction quotes. The East Hall, West Hall, Kitchen, and Bar will be closed until the work is complete. We will continue to update the community as we get more information.

Seniors’ Corner

The Seniors’ Corner is looking for volunteers that could help set up tables and chairs before and after their monthly get together. If you are willing and able to help with any of their monthly events, they would be very appreciative. Please email the office if you have any questions or can help.

Ideas for the Community?

Let us know if you have ideas or have seen fun events happen in other communities that we could incorporate here. The City often posts grant opportunities that may be available if we have an idea that energizes our neighbourhood or brings the community together. We would love to hear your ideas, and if you can volunteer or help organize an event, we would love that even more. We appreciate your feedback on community engagement, getting involved, volunteering, and how we can offer more to the community.


Thank you to all that came out- it was so nice to see so many faces. A huge thank you to Heather and the other volunteers for putting on this event and making sooo much hot chocolate. Thank you to Glamorgan Bakery for generously donating all our hot dog buns and Safeway for a generous gift card donation so we could buy all our s’mores treats – the community support has been amazing.

Click here to the Glamorgan Community News home page for the latest Glamorgan community updates.