Glenbrook President’s Message for August


Hello Again Glenbrook!

As we move into August and the days get shorter, it will not be long before our kids head back to school. Hopefully, it will be a much more consistent and enjoyable year than the previous one. As COVID-19 restrictions are lifted in Calgary, I hope everyone in Glenbrook has a chance to appreciate this summer.

The fall is arriving soon, and with that comes our Annual General Meeting. I am excited to announce that at this year’s meeting, we will be giving out our Glenbrook Lifetime Member and Glenbrook Community Partnership Awards, for outstanding residents and deserving groups or businesses alike who have made long-term contributions to the community. Because last year’s AGM could not be held in-person at the Hall, we will be awarding winners from both 2020 and 2021 at this year’s meeting.

Our regular Glenbrook Community Association board meetings will soon resume in-person as well, and we are looking for some additional volunteers to help us. We currently have a strong group of members who are very dedicated to ensuring we fulfill our mandate behind the scenes, but we do need new volunteers to assist with existing and new events. If you have considered volunteering in your community, I encourage you to reach out now. Whatever your interests and commitments are, we can find something that fits in with your schedule and skills. While we understand that many people are not necessarily interested in, or able to attend our board meetings each month, we are developing a list of volunteers who are willing to help out at our winter skating parties, casino fundraisers, sports days, working with some of our new Glenbrook residents at an upcoming English as a second language program, and many other events and programs. If you are interested, please send an email to [email protected], and one of us will get back to you and find the best fit. We can even help you carve out a niche of your own. For example, if you are interested in starting a basketball league to play at our sport courts, the resources and support of our board are at your disposal to assist you in getting it started.

You can always reach me by email at [email protected] or call or text me at 403-616-4644. Please remember to watch your speed when driving through the neighborhood as we enjoy the warm summer evenings. I hope to see you all this fall.

Take care,

Murray Ost, President