Glenbrook’s President’s Message for February

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Hello Glenbrook!

February is often a time for reflection, slowing down, and huddling indoors. As I reflect on this winter, it’s been heartwarming to hear stories of community members coming together to support one another. Whether it’s shoveling a neighbour’s walkway, or simply checking in with someone who may have been isolated, I’ve heard countless examples of neighbours helping neighbours.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Brad, our dedicated volunteer who works tirelessly to maintain our community outdoor rink. His contributions have provided a space where neighbours can come together to forge connections through the simple joy of skating or playing a game of shinny. Brad, we are truly grateful for your time and effort in making the outdoor rink accessible for everyone.

Lastly, as we observe Family Day on Monday, February 17, let’s take the opportunity to connect with those around us, celebrate the importance of community, and appreciate the support we can all offer each other.

All the best,


President, Glenbrook Community Association

[email protected]


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