Glenbrook’s President’s Message for October


Happy October Everyone!

I truly enjoy this time of year. It might be from my youth, growing up on a farm – fall was always a time to reflect and be thankful for everything you were able to accomplish during the year. As we move through fall in Glenbrook, even as COVID-19 forces us to constantly adapt and change how we go about our lives, it is important for all of us to find things we can be proud of.

On that note, our Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, October 7 at 7:00 pm, and the pandemic will require us to adapt our program for the evening. We will still pass our budgets for the upcoming year and set up a plan to recover from the loss of revenue due to COVID.

A quick reminder that the summer setup of our outdoor sport space – the hockey rink – will remain open until approximately the third week of October, weather permitting. It will take us a few days to dismantle and put it away for the winter, and we will then start making ice for the outdoor rinks in November.

If you plan to go out for Halloween this year, please be careful when you are around the neighbourhood that evening. Likewise, remember to watch your speed when driving through Glenbrook as folks enjoy the fall evenings. We can all do our part to keep Calgary safe for everyone.

You can always reach me by email at [email protected], or call/text me at 403-616-4644. I hope to see you all this fall.

Take care,

Murray Ost, President