Residents of Glendale

Glendale cn

Fred Nelson and his wife Verty have been residents of Glendale for 43 years. They moved into their 1954 bungalow on Grove Hill Road in 1980. Fred and Verty have always had a strong connection to the community and raised their two children in Glendale. Their son Don and daughter Beverly both attended school in Glendale and Don got married at the community hall.

Fred appreciates how wonderful their Glendale neighbours have always been. At one point, both Fred and Verty were struggling with health problems, and neighbours quickly pitched in to help, bringing food, shoveling snow, and checking in to make sure the couple was doing well. As Fred says, “We just never think of leaving here. This community is so caring.”

Fred has always been interested in classic cars. He is an accredited Calgary appraiser who owns and operates a local appraisal company. For 14 years, he wrote two weekly columns for the Auto section of The Calgary Sun. Fred will be writing monthly features for the Glendale Thumper, titled “Classic Cars.”

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