Haysboro’s Message from the Board for October

Haysboro mb

We are still living in interesting times. We just made it through a federal election and our civic election is upcoming. COVID is still an issue and will be for the foreseeable future it seems. As I write this in early September, I have no idea what is going to happen at the time of publication.

There have been some changes at the board level. Our previously elected president, Kathleen had to step aside for the time being, so I have assumed the interim role. Our board remains in a caretaker position as we continue to navigate the operating challenges upon us. We have wonderfully dedicated people working at the association and board level who are keeping the hall operations lively!

As I am holding the interim position until a replacement can be found, this message is to provide the community with some information about what the association is undertaking this year. I may not be able to provide these updates regularly, but hope to keep you informed as best we can.

The board has a few main priorities this upcoming year. We are working with a project manager on our key lifecycle items: parking lot resurfacing, tennis courts, and flooring projects in the hall. Along with that comes some additional studies on our electrical and HVAC supply. We are navigating through some warranty work on the ramp at the front of the hall. Our Energize Haysboro committee is still actively pursuing solar panels for the roof. In addition, a great group of volunteers is spearheading the South Haddon Road playground project. All of this on top of our normal hall and association operations.

We are grateful to all of those who are working on the above projects. I can’t predict what the fall and winter will look like. But let’s hope we can continue to move forward and provide you with the great community resources we have.

If you are interested in helping move our community forward, we would love to meet you! Please contact Diane at the office [email protected] and she can put you in touch with us.

Stefan Bell