Kingsland President’s Message – March

Kingsland cn

Hello Neighbours,

A sincere thank you to everyone who has come out and enjoyed the rinks and/or dedicated their time to flood and clean them this winter. We have a great group of volunteers who help with shoveling and flooding duties, so if you ever see them around, be sure to say ‘Hello’ and ‘Thank You!’.

We’re excited to announce that we’ve recently filled our Social Director role, so we’re looking forward to all the great ideas Nick will be bringing! If you’re like Nick and have ideas for social events in Kingsland, we’re looking for folks to join our Social Committee! The committee will be responsible for executing events and coordinating volunteers. There’s no expectation in terms of commitment, so whether you want to participate for just one event or more long-term, we’ve got a space for you! If you’re interesting in learning more about the Social Committee, please get in touch with us at [email protected], or give us a call at 403-255-1400 and we’ll pass your contact details along to Nick.

We have a few other opportunities available as well! We’re looking for a new Casino Coordinator who will be responsible for planning and organizing our biggest fundraiser. This includes recruiting volunteers, working with AGLC, and reporting back to the board with casino updates. If you’ve been waiting for an opportunity to join the board, we also have an opening in the Vice President position. The VP role is unique because you really have the opportunity to take the role in any direction you’d like. If you have interest in a specific project or new initiative, let’s talk! If you’d like more information on either of these roles, please contact us via email or phone.

All the best and Happy March!

Charlotte Quickel

KCA President