Kingsland’s A Word from the Calgary Police Traffic Unit: Don’t be a Distracted Driver! – March

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Did you know that distracted driving encompasses many things, just not cell phones? All penalties that fall under Distracted Driving carry a minimum $300 fine and three demerits, further the courts can also raise the specified penalty upon each conviction.

Under the Alberta Traffic Safety Act (TSA)

Section 115.1(1)(a) Drive or operate a motor vehicle while holding/viewing/using cell phone or other communication device. Even holding the device creates the offence and you must be legally parked. So, no holding your phone while at a traffic light.

Section 115.1(1)(b) Drive or operate a motor vehicle while viewing/holding or using a handheld wireless electronic device. This would be an iPad, Notebook, or separate GPS system.

Section 115.2(1) Display screen active and visible to the driver other than GPS, cell phone, etc. This would be watching YouTube or videos on a screen while driving.

“Yes, I have seen this happen, a person watching music videos and another watching a movie while driving.”

Section 115.4(1) Drive or operate a motor vehicle while reading/viewing printed material, writing, sketching, or engaged in personal grooming/hygiene. So, no shaving, doing make-up, or brushing teeth.

And for people that like or allow their dog/cat to sit on their lap and watch the world go by or hang out the window; Section 115(2)(i) Driver permit person, animal, or thing to impede safe operation of a motor vehicle, a $243 Specified Penalty.

In a busy world filled with electronics, taking pets on road trips, and reviewing documents from work, we should be setting aside all these things. These actions remove your attention from what you should be concentrating on: the safe operation of your motor vehicle. Best to make it home so that we can enjoy the special things in life.

Drive and be safe!

Cst. Jeff Leimer

Calgary Police Service, Traffic Section