Kingsland’s President’s Message for February


Happy February, Neighbours!

At the KCA we are in full swing with our website remodel. We are aiming to launch our new website by the end of the spring, and we are excited to show you all of our new functionalities.

We have a few openings for board positions, so if you or someone you know have any interest in volunteering with us, please reach out! Currently, we are looking for a social director (planning and executing community events), a Trico partnership liaison (coordinating with Trico about opportunities for collaboration and increased communication with our community), and a vice president (would participate in a little bit of everything). If you would like more information about any of these positions or would like to chat a bit more about what volunteering with the KCA looks like, reach out to us at [email protected].

We are also always looking for input or ideas for events, activities, etc. from our residents and volunteers for one-time events. Generally, we try to send out a call for volunteers on social media and via our email list, so watch there for opportunities. If you are not already part of our email list, send us a message at [email protected] and we will sign you up!

That’s all for now. I hope you all can get outside and enjoy the ice rinks and the toboggan hill while our weather cooperates!

All the best,

Charlotte Pickel

KCA President