BEAU Gardens in Marda Loop

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New Program Alert! We have something exciting happening in March/April!

Kickstart your edible garden series with BEAU Gardens:

Dive into the exciting world of edible gardening this spring and learn everything you need to know to successfully grow your own organic, nutrient-dense food in any urban space – big or small!

In this hands-on learning series, BEAU Gardens coach, Mirna Fox, will walk you through a detailed process to confidently:

• Map-out and install your edible garden in your available outdoor space.

• Select the right growing system and choose quality soil, plants, seeds.

• Design a customized planting plan and determine what you will grow and when.

• Start growing edible plants from seed indoors for best results outdoors.

• Immerse your children in gardening to nurture their curiosity, zest for learning, and connection to nature.

Courses can be taken separately, however, to ensure that you have the complete knowledge to successfully start your edible garden this season, it is highly recommended that you complete the Beginners Guide to Edible Gardening course before taking Perfect Planting Plans.

Visit our website at for more details on each offering, along with cost and dates. See you in the garden this spring!

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