Seniors in the Loop Go Beyond Fun and Games in Marda Loop

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The Marda Loop Seniors usually meet at the Hall the first Mondays of each month. In addition to exercising our brains, socializing, and supporting local charities, we also look after our physical bodies. For example, Megan starts us off on our Monday get-togethers with a diverse exercise program.

But also, on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the afternoon, some of us join Beth in the Hall for a workout called Seniors Fit. During her 75-minute instruction, she could include a warm-up, cardio work, strength, balance and flexibility exercises as well as a stretch and cool-down segment. She is a knowledgeable leader and excellent in the skills needed to work with seniors.

On Tuesdays and Fridays in the morning some of us play pickleball, an excellent activity for staying healthy and mentally alert since we also have to keep score – not as easy as one may think. We are fortunate to play on our outdoor courts at Marda Loop in the warm months and then move indoors to play at Rosscarrock Community Hall when the weather turns cold.

Maybe some more of you would like to join us in the coming months?

(Article submitted by Brenda Falle, Committee member, MLCA Seniors in the Loop)

I would also like to report that a good supply of woollies knitted by our members was recently donated to Rocky View Hospital. On behalf of the administrative staff who replenish their shelves with these items, I would like to say a big thank you to all those who contributed. Let’s do it again this year!

Heather Bhatty

Director, Seniors in the Loop

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