Cliff Bungalow-Mission’s President’s Message for January


Keep up to date – sign up for email updates

The newsletter is not frequent enough to communicate things that are changing on short notice in regards to the community association, the community centre, and community events.

So, in order for us to keep you up to date, please register your email address near the bottom of the first page of our website. Our email list is then updated to include your email address. The website address is

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday, November 18. The theme of our AGM is celebrating our community. We had lots to celebrate even though this has been a challenging year. There was a small in person attendance and the rest were online.

The following is the new board for the next year: Bob Lang – President, Ted Knudtson – Vice President, Rick Williams – Secretary, Lucy Arellano – Treasurer, Nicole Butz – Communications Director, Lynn MacCallum – Environment Director, Marilyn Williams – Heritage Director, Zaak Karim – Planning and Development Director, Melissa Parcels – Social Director, and Kim Hoang, Brandon Hossack, Rob Jobst and Mo Saipour as Directors at Large.

You may remember that Lynn MacCallum was Environment Director a few years back. We thank her for stepping forward into this role again. Shannon Macleod and Ken Hryciw stepped down as Directors at Large. We thank both of them for their contributions to the community. They both indicated they hope to continue to volunteer. Rob Jobst moved from being Planning and Development Director to Director at Large. He has been a great asset to the community.

Twelve people were presented with a Community Hero Award. While this is higher number than normal, this has not been a normal year. More details are provided elsewhere in this issue. La Boulangerie provided delicious food at a discount. Many people helped make the last year successful, in spite of the challenges we faced. We thank everyone who helped during the last year.

Would you like to get involved with the community association?

We normally invite people attending the AGM each year to indicate if they are interested in getting involved with the community association. We did not do that this year because of the limited attendance in person. So, if you are interested, please let me know at [email protected]. Please indicate what you may be interested in getting involved in.

We have things going on in planning and development, social (events), heritage, environment, and communications. The Planning and Development Committee deals with proposed new developments, proposed new uses in existing buildings, and proposed land use changes. In addition to jazz nights, social deals with special events such as, Spring/Fall Fling (date to be determined), Mission Possible / Neighbourhood Day (mid June), and potlucks/board game nights/trivia nights (when the virus situation improves). Heritage is involved with recognizing and protecting our historic buildings and assets. Environment deals with the Pathway and River Clean-Up (potentially in early May) and Community Clean-Up (September). Communications deals with this newsletter, updating the website, and social media. Social Media is becoming a more and more important vehicle of communication but is also labour intensive. This list is not a complete list and there are opportunities for new things.

Things continue to change in regards to our community activities.

At the time of writing this column, our community centre, along with all other community centres in Calgary, is closed. As reported in the last newsletter, we had already decided not to rent our hall to third parties until at least March 31, 2021. In addition, we cancelled our jazz events from November 28 to February 3. Things can change again, and quickly, so we encourage you to register your email address to receive updates as they occur. You register on our website Just go to the bottom of the first page.

New History Book on Rouleauville

A new book on the history of our community was published in 2020. The title is Rouleauville, The Cradle of Calgary, Pre-1899 to 1907 and Beyond. It was published by our Francophone community friends – Bureau de Visibilite de Calgary (BVC). What we know as Mission, was originally a village called Rouleauville, named after the brothers Rouleau. Rouleauville existed as a village from 1899 to 1907, when it was incorporated into Calgary.

If you are interested in obtaining a copy, you can contact Suzanne de Courville Nicol at [email protected] or [email protected]. Their website is The cost is $50, which just covers the cost of publishing the book.

300 Block 25 Avenue SW

We still are waiting for the scheduling of the public hearing of City Council to consider a land use redesignation, covering 306 to 312 – 25 Avenue SW. The initially proposed land use district was MU-1 with a FAR (Floor Are Ratio) of 4.5 and a height of 24 metres. This would allow up to seven stories. Current land use allows up to five stories, 3.5 FAR, and a height of 15 metres. Four houses (three built in 1910 and one built in 1911) would be torn down to accommodate a new building. These houses currently have several suites each. We have heard that the applicant is in discussion with the City on exactly what land use district they will apply for, and that it could be a while before this matter formally comes forward to Council.

During September 2020, we posted an online survey to find out what community residents think about building heights. This knowledge will help CBMCA as we deal with this proposed land use change. You still have an opportunity to complete this short survey and voice your opinion – go to

At some point, this proposed land use change will go to a public hearing of City Council, where anyone can submit written comments and can make a five-minute verbal presentation. We will send out an email when we know the date and how you can voice your opinion on this matter. Please register your email online at our website: