Mission’s President’s Report for December


Keep up to Date – Sign Up for Email Updates

Things can and do change, and quickly. The newsletter is not frequent enough to communicate things that are changing on short notice in regards to the community association, the community centre, and community events.

To keep up to date, please register your email address at the bottom of our website at www.cliffbungalowmission.com.

COVID-19 Update

At the time of writing this column (October), COVID-19 has not gone away and there are restrictions for those attending our Jazz night events and the AGM:

  • Face masks are required except if you are sitting and drinking a beverage.
  • All attendees must show proof of vaccination, or a negative COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours.

We are not starting potlucks, board game nights, or trivia nights at this time.

We will update on any changes through emails, etc.

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday, November 24. At the time of writing, it is before the AGM so we cannot report on what happened until the January newsletter. However, our AGMs are always great as we celebrate our accomplishments and the people who help make them happen. We thank everyone who helped during the last year.

Springbank Reservoir Update

Some good news in regards to this flood control project:

  • Provincial cabinet has approved the Natural Resources Conservation Board decision on the Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir (SR1) project.
  • Alberta Transportation has also reached voluntary agreements with all the remaining landowners, so the full 3,700 acres of land required for the construction of the Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir has been assembled.
  • Construction is expected to start in 2022 and be completed in 2024.

306 – 312 – 25 Avenue SW Update

As you may recall, Council made a decision (11 to 1) on July 28 on the proposed Land Use change for 306 – 312 – 25 Avenue SW. They approved the change with the contribution of $125,000 from the applicant to the Heritage Incentive Reserve Fund that will be matched by city funds. Administered through the Historic Resource Conservation Grant program, this fund offers assistance to property owners for restoration, preservation, and rehabilitation of historic properties. These funds are earmarked for Cliff Bungalow – Mission community.

Cliff Bungalow – Mission Community Association will not have a direct role on how these funds are used. The use of these funds is governed through a Council-approved Terms of Reference and are at the discretion of the City’s Heritage Planning team. That does not prevent us from encouraging landowners of certain properties to apply to use these funds or to access City-wide funds as well.

Rouleau Saskatchewan

You may have seen the news that the elevator of Rouleau Saskatchewan burned down on Friday, November 5. There is a connection to our Rouleauville (now known as Mission) and also a connection to a popular TV series.

Rouleauville was a village named after Justice Charles-Borromee Rouleau and Dr Edouard-Hector Rouleau. Both were Francophones. It was located in what we now call Mission. There is a chapter in our history book on Rouleauville. Rouleau Saskatchewan was also named after Justice Rouleau although we do not know how that naming came about. It is located not far from Regina (around 39 km south and west).

Rouleau Saskatchewan was incorporated in 1903. Our Rouleauville was incorporated in 1899. Rouleauville started out as a French speaking community, although that changed with the influx of settlers via the CPR. There does not seem to be much of a French connection for Rouleau Saskatchewan although their records were lost in a fire in 1930. By the way, apparently the locals in Rouleau pronounce their name as “ROLO”, not “RULO”. Their short online history indicates most of the early settlers were from Ontario and the United States. Rouleau Saskatchewan is on what was called the SOO Rail Line which connected Chicago with Moose Jaw. There are tours in Moose Jaw about their connection to Al Capone via this rail link. It is well worth your time to go on these tours if ever in Moose Jaw.

The other connection is the hit TV series Corner Gas. The set was located at Rouleau Saskatchewan. I visited Rouleau and the Corner Gas set in 2006 when I went to Regina for my High School reunion. Here are a couple pictures I took of the elevator (Dog River) and the Corner Gas set. It is sad that the elevator burned down. Physical history is precious.