Oakridge Civic Affairs and Planning Activities for May


Oakridge Co-op has now started their construction as planned for the new two-storey tenant building north of Boston Pizza and subsequent upgrades. Details of design and construction plans, and a model are available in the Co-op grocery store.

The City of Calgary Guidebook was reviewed by Council on the 22 March with a substantial amount of comments and discussions by Calgary residents and Community Associations. The next Planning and Urban Development (PUB) committee meeting is scheduled for 5 May when City Administration will present on Council’s direction. Details can still be found for the ‘Guidebook for Great Communities’ located at: https://www.calgary.ca/pda/pd/current-studies-and-ongoing-activities/guidebook-for-great-communities.html.

Our next District 32 meeting (Meeting #12) is scheduled for Tuesday 13 April to discuss primarily our next steps based on Council’s direction to City Administration and how we position for input to a Local Area Plan.

In Glenmore Park, the Bicycle Pump Track will be closed in April so that Parks Foundation can complete improvements to the Park. It is anticipated, it will be re-opened later in the summer when the safety upgrades are completed.

We have reviewed a number of City of Calgary planning permit applications and we commented on one in the Oak Bay Plaza where we encouraged some improvements primarily for pedestrian safety.

Finally, we continue to monitor and attempt to influence plans for pedestrian safety within and around Oakridge, traffic and speeding issues, local parks and in particular dog off leash parks, maintenance of naturalized areas and sufficient bear proof garbage bins where there is substantial pedestrian traffic. We continue to encourage local residents wanting improvements or issues addressed to communicate their comments & concerns to call 311 while keeping the OCA informed.