PBP’s Traffic Update for December

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PBPCA Traffic Update

by John Kipp

Late in October, Dave Illsey, the PBPCA’s Urban Development Advisor submitted questions to the Ward 11 Office and received answers from Holly Shaw, the Community Connector to Councillor Kourtney Penner. Dave’s questions and Holly’s answers are highlighted below:

Current progress on the traffic/pedestrian safety lights at the intersection of 90 Ave SW and Bay Ridge Drive. We note that exploratory excavations were undertaken in July/August this year and request the schedule to completion of the safety systems?

As of September 13, a new overhead flasher was approved in the 2022 workplan. The design is underway for construction in 2023.

Current status and projected changes (if any) to the vehicle merge lanes at the intersection of 90 Ave and 14 St SW. Our concern addressed dangerous lane changes by drivers turning left from northbound 14 St SW and attempting immediate right hand lane change to access Glenmore Landing.

As of October 3, traffic from southbound 14 St has their own added lane. Westbound traffic from 14 St SW has adequate distance to 16 St SW for a one lane weave (particularly if said traffic from 14 St SW has difficulty weaving to access the mid-block right in – right out access). Traffic volumes in this block (23,365 daily vehicles in both directions) are well within expected volumes for a roadway of this classification (20,000 to 35,000). [Admin] will review collision data this winter but it is unlikely that there will be mitigation measures at this point, beyond closing mid-block access, which would likely be opposed by many.

Is the City planning to make changes to the intersection of 24 St SW, at 90 Ave SW? We would appreciate an update/confirmation, including planned changes and schedule.

Administration is planning northbound right lane turn improvements for 2023. (Generally, these smaller projects are added to a worklist and the Council office is not notified on the exact dates of construction. They are actioned at the earliest opportunity, and this is based on numerous factors – priority projects, staffing, procurement, etc.).