Rink Rat Corner, November 2018


Neighbours…you’re probably wondering how you’re going to make it through the winter already, since we’ve been plastered already with a foot and a half of it in early October.

Not to worry, I have an antidote that may help!!

Come on down to the family neighbourhood rinks at 26th & Crowchild – there is a boarded hockey rink for shinny and a snowbank rink for pleasure skating, so there is something for everyone! You’re bound to feel a bit better after a skate and some fresh air!! There are lots of great things that can happen at the RKHCA rinks…you can:

  • Embrace winter and get out of the house.
  • Spend some quality time with your friends and family.
  • Burn up some calories.
  • Meet your neighbours and some new people, too.
  • Learn to skate, if you don’t already know how to.
  • Teach someone else how to skate if you already do.

Also, we can rent the rink and hall, or rink and shack for gatherings and/or birthdays. We are also open to renting the rink for team practices, “Winter Classic” games, and technical skating lessons. Please call Lola at 403-474-3845 for more info.

I’m looking forward to seeing you down there when the ice goes in, usually sometime in November.


Lloyd Bumstead

Chief Rink Rat and Richmond Knob Hhill Community Association Director at Large