Rutland Park’s Traffic and Development Report for June


by Leanne Ellis, VP Development and Traffic

[email protected]

I would just like to highlight what has been happening/ going on behind the scenes this past month, in no particular order:

  1. Belated thank you to Mark Yobbs for joining our Board as a Director. He joined our development committee at the AGM, then decided to become a director as well. He has been integral to our Richmond Green advocacy and has stepped up as our media spokesperson for the park.
  2. Thank you to Paul, Holly, Renee, Kaitlin, Jesse, Dan, Myles (and his boys), Guylaine, and Bene for all of your help delivering Richmond Green flyers. You are appreciated!
  3. The development committee supported an application for an outdoor patio space at the Officers’ Mess in Currie. This will allow the site to be more economically viable and provide residents with a destination spot for dining in lockdown.
  4. We have submitted a formal letter of opposition to LOC2021-0043 regarding the land use amendment to change the upper baseball diamonds from S-R (recreational use) to MU-1 (mixed use commercial and residential). We will continue to advocate for the park space and will keep you updated on Facebook and via our e-newsletter. Community Association documentation/ correspondence regarding the application will be uploaded to our website at if you would like to see our advocacy to date.
  5. The Guidebook for Great Communities went before Council at the end of March. Council directed Administration to meet with groups and individuals who had presented at the Council meeting, in order to look at some possible amendments. Our Board agreed to support some proposed amendments that would offer more protection for low density residential areas of communities, allow communities a greater voice in terms of where density is added within their boundaries, promote green space and urban forestry when density is being added, and allow owners with restrictive covenants to sort out any covenant issues amongst themselves. Council is open to amendments, but of course, there is no guarantee that these will be supported. The Guidebook may still become an election issue moving forward.

If you have not already signed up for our email updates, please do so at our website, The City often gives us very short notice for upcoming events, and this is the quickest way for us to reach you. Please also join us on Facebook – Rutland Park Community Association, and Currie Community. Thank you for your ongoing support.