SECA President’s Message – March

Shawnee Evergreen cn EVG MR

SECA is building a neighbourly community where residents feel a sense of belonging and community pride. Join us in this rewarding work!

After hosting many programs and events over the past couple of years, we are seeing signs of growing neighbourliness. Residents are making connections and having fun together! Thanks to all those who attended our community campfires in December, January, and February.

My heart was warmed recently by emails inquiring about volunteer opportunities. When a resident offers to get involved, it confirms for me that SECA is heading in the right direction.

Our next casino fundraiser will be this summer and we need a casino chair. This person will liaise with AGLC and the casino location as well as recruit volunteers. It may sound daunting, but there is an easy task list and we have a large list of willing volunteers to contact. The casino chair is not required to work a shift but may do so. Please email us if you are able to take on this important role. It’s a great way to meet new people!

Last year’s re-imagined Stampede Festival, co-hosted with our friends at South Gate Alliance Church, was a fabulous success. We learned a lot and this year’s event promises to be even better. Returning will be the ever-popular Backroad Traveler Band and the Chinook Country Line Dancers. To get involved in the planning process or as an event volunteer, please email us. Plan to attend on June 24. Bring your friends and family members.

We hope to host a program for older children this summer. Stay tuned. Meanwhile, our children’s programming is forging ahead with great success thanks to our three outstanding educators: Families in Nature, Adventure Play, and Art in the Park, all which happen monthly. Use the QR codes for more information and to register.

SECA is keen to create programs for the 55+ age group and our casino funds can support these programs. With a volunteer or two to help coordinate the programs, we could make them happen.

You’ll be glad to know that we have been working with a local web designer, Gumbuddies. We’ll be launching a new website in the next month or two, which will make life easier for our volunteers and for our residents. We can’t wait!

We can serve you best when we are connected:

Visit our eight Little Free Libraries regularly to see posters about upcoming events.

Receive our e-newsletters by emailing [email protected].

Like our Facebook page: @ShawneeEvergreenYYC.

Become a SECA member for just $20 for 12 months at

Call me at 403-606-2406 or [email protected] with your feedback and ideas.

Lynn Jobe

SECA President