Signal Hill’s June President’s Message


Please Join Us

Become a SHCA Member

Just $10 @

I’d like to use this month’s message to encourage all of you to become a Member of your Signal Hill Community Association. We now have our new website – – up and running, including a very easy-to-use and secure integrated Membership system.

Why become a SHCA Member? In a nutshell, to support your community association in holding family-friendly and service-oriented events (when conditions permit once again), running one of the best outdoor ice rinks in the city, and maintaining your community park and facilities.

In these challenging times, we expect our revenues to drop as our key fundraising event is deferred indefinitely. So, please consider the following support that SHCA volunteers provide – with a goal of creating a safe, livable, and caring community, and a mission to engage residents to improve the quality of community life…

  • Host multiple events throughout the year including community clean-up day, parade of garage sales, family skate parties, Easter egg hunt and neighbour day gatherings.
  • Maintain excellent community facilities (corner of Signal Hill Dr and Sienna Park Dr) including a park, rink, leisure court, support building, and parking lot.
  • Provide ongoing liaison with City politicians and staff (including CPS) to ensure community interests and concerns are represented.
  • Apply for grants to support community projects (e.g. new playgrounds) and upgrade facilities.
  • Coordinate fundraising (mainly through major casino event and memberships) to ensure sufficient funds to cover operating costs, and rent facilities as appropriate to provide additional funding support.
  • Communicate to residents via website ( and monthly newsletter (this one).

Please go to and select Members/Register from the top menu. A secure payment system has been established, and you will receive a receipt and digital/printable membership card.

Your support is very much appreciated. Thank you.

Brian Lawrence

Signal Hill Community Association

[email protected]