Signal Hill’s September President’s Message


Hello Signal Hill Neighbours

I know everyone is busy with all those end-of-summer and early fall activities – and with everything just a bit more of a challenge this year. So just a couple of notes of interest (hopefully) as follows …

Take A Walk

When was the last time you took a good, long walk around or through our community? A friend who lives in Calgary but not in Signal Hill stopped by recently, and I took him for a walk. He was amazed at our network of paths, green spaces, parks, and playgrounds. All connected, all well maintained, with lots of access to shopping, and many areas with spectacular views of downtown or the mountains – and all while enjoying some fresh air, sunshine, and exercise. So please, take a walk, and really enjoy and appreciate our neighbourhood

Enjoy This Month’s Local Content

Thank you to those who submitted or indicated an interest in submitting material for this newsletter. Please note and enjoy two items this month from a couple of local authors – Stew Perram and John Stephens.

Just as a reminder, if you would like to contribute something that you think might be of interest to your Signal Hill neighbours, just email your submission to me, and I will review and arrange to publish items over the coming months’ editions. Suggestions include a photo of some aspect of our community, a short story, a poem, a photo of a “work of art” done by any member of your family, a gardening tip, or a favourite recipe – but certainly open to other ideas.

Brian Lawrence

Signal Hill Community Association

[email protected]