Somerset Bridlewood Community Garden February Update


Can you believe it is February already? If you’re planning to start onion, leek, or pepper seeds indoors for transplanting out when spring arrives, get going on it right away! It’s one of the tasks on my to-do list, for sure!

A huge thank you to everyone who participated in our West Coast Seeds fundraiser for our community garden expansion – we appreciate your generous support!

Watch out our social media for a seed swap and give away event this month. You can bring along seeds to trade or simply stop by to pick up some new varieties to try in your garden! The Somerset Bridlewood Community Garden will host this event at the Shawnessy Library, but as of this writing, the date hasn’t been confirmed. We’ll update this information as soon as we can so you can mark it on your calendars! Everyone is welcome to attend, and the event will be free of charge.

As part of our ongoing fundraising efforts for our garden expansion, we are selling some cuttings and starts of houseplants, herbs, and other plants over the next few months. Our members are generously growing and providing the plants for sale, and we will have limited quantities, so watch our social media channels and website for details on how to purchase them.

Thank you to everyone who attended our online indoor herb gardening webinar in January; hopefully, it provided some ideas and tips for you to start your own herb garden this winter! The Somerset Bridlewood Community Garden will host another webinar this month, so grab a nice cup of tea, curl up under a blanket on the sofa, and enjoy some gardening inspiration. The webinar will take place on Wednesday, February 21 at 7:00 pm and the topic will be announced shortly. Watch our socials and our website for details!

Finally, I am working through all of the membership renewals for the community garden, and I hope to finalize them shortly. Once that process is complete, I will go through our waiting list – so if you signed up, be prepared to hear from me soon. The waiting list is lengthy, which is why our garden expansion is so important. Hopefully with the support of our generous neighbours, we will be able to start working on the addition this year.

‘Til next time,


Community Garden Director

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