Southwood’s President’s Message for August

Southwood pm

Summer is in full swing and goodness me has it been a hot one! I’m currently writing this newsletter submission on my deck at the end of June where the thermostat is saying it is still 32 degrees after 9:00 pm! I hope this hot spell that we dealt with is the last of it! August is usually a slow month around the community. Many families are out enjoying the campgrounds and this year we get to visit with friends and families all throughout Canada! Such an exciting time and I hope that you all have been able to gather again with your loved ones and enjoy their company.

I wanted to do a little recap on the comings and goings of our board members. This year wished Steve all the best as he resigned as the Director of Facility and Ice Rink. In this role, Steve was able to apply his knowledge from his career to make the necessary improvements that were needed in the hall as well as set us up for success in the coming years. Thank you, Steve, for all your efforts and for continuing to support us as a volunteer or whenever we may have a question or concern about where certain keys are or how best to turn something off!

We had a very successful AGM this year, even though it was held virtually via Zoom. In March, the Provincial government updated legislation to allow for annual general meetings to be held virtually. This was a great change as it allowed us to fall back into our regular schedule. At the meeting although we said bye to one board member, we were lucky enough to bring on three new directors and one veteran that has taken on another role! With that, I would like to formally introduce the community to our newest Directors of Facility and Ice Rink: Faye Coburn & Chantal Hisey. You may notice that I pluralized director, that’s because Faye and Chantal will be sharing this role. Faye comes to us with her expert knowledge in interior design, while Chantal brings past knowledge from serving as an executive assistant for various boards! Seeing how demanding the facility can be, we figured it was best to share this position and we are looking forward to seeing what Faye and Chantal can help us with. Barb Short, our Director of the Newsletter has decided to take on the role as the Director of Membership as well! We are so pleased to have Barb lead this position and will be working with her throughout the year to help boost our memberships! And finally, we also welcomed Lindsay Andreasen in as a Director at Large. Many of you may know Lindsay from her efforts of organizing the garden walk as well as meticulously maintaining her own garden. We are so pleased to have these members join us and we are eager to get working together!

Over the next few months, we are hoping to continue sprucing up the area around the community hall. We started at the end of June by cleaning out the gardens and bringing in a variety of perennials and annuals. With the completion of the mural, which I will be writing about for the September newsletter, we are thinking about making some upgrades to seating in and around the gardens and ice rink. As always, we are looking for volunteers that would like to lend a few hours here and there to help us create a great space for our community to use year-round!

I will leave it here for this month. I wish you all the best as we move through this last month of summer!

Take care Southwood!
