Springbank Hill’s President’s Message


We are now well into our new fiscal year and dealing with the ongoing challenges due to COVID-19, while pushing forward with our goals and action plans in a safe and effective manner. Our board meetings continue to be held online and we also held our AGM online on October 28. I’m happy to report that we have recently added three new board members to our board! These members are welcomed additions to our team and will allow us to increase our productivity and perhaps add some new initiatives. Welcome to Nancy Farah, Pratt Varshney, and Daniel Randell.

Soon our two seasonal ice rinks will be preparing for the winter season. If you haven’t taken the opportunity yet to enjoy one of these rinks, you should consider trying them out this winter, as it is a reasonably safe activity that can be enjoyed while respecting the COVID-19 ground rules. Our rinks are located at Springbank Boulevard Park at the lower end of Springbank Hill, and at the green space in Montreux on St. Moritz Drive. Our team of volunteers at the Montreux rink are planning to add a second rink with partial hockey boards this winter. Look for more information on our Facebook page soon.

We continue to have a need for more volunteers. If you are interested, please contact us at [email protected] and we can provide more information regarding opportunities. It’s not too late to purchase a 2020/2021 membership if you have not obtained yours yet. Memberships are only $25 per household and all money raised is used to offset our operating expenses and run programs and events for you.

Stay safe and healthy, and we look forward to serving you in the coming year.

Elio Cozzi, President, Springbank Hill Community Association