December’s President’s Message from Strathcona, Christie & Aspen

Strathcona pm

We put our Christmas lights up today and it makes me hopeful that we will be celebrating with our family and friends this holiday season. COVID has taught us how valuable time with the people we love is and that it truly isn’t about presents and all the trappings – it is about a heartfelt hug and spending time together.

I am also hopeful that I will be able to host the Christmas Day Skate again this year. For many years it has been one of the seasonal highlights for me. Nothing fancy, just a cup of hot chocolate, a cookie, a little music, and a warm place to put on skates. Once the gifts are open and the turkey is in the oven, please come by the Strathcona Christie Aspen Community Centre for a skate or just a visit – I look forward to seeing you!

Currently the SCA is required to abide by the COVID protocol that vaccine passports are required to enter the SCA building and for that reason our front doors remain locked (remember I am writing this message the beginning of November and things could be different by the time you read this) and I ask that you please be patient with us – we would like nothing better than to throw our doors open but for now we abide with the rules that are designed to keep everyone as safe as possible. I encourage you to check out the SCA website for all the programming and events starting in the new year.

I make a private wish every Christmas Eve and as corny as it is, the wish is accompanied by a sprinkling of fairy dust. It was started by a friend many years ago, she has sadly passed but leaves behind, among so much more, this little bit of magic. So, on the eve of December 24, I will make a wish for us all that we are able to hold close the people we love.

Maureen Smith – SCA President