SCA Message from the Board

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‘Tis the season – back to school we go! It’s hard to believe the months of summer are coming to an end! With this gorgeous weather, we wanted to share some tips to help reduce traffic during pick-up and drop-off and encourage some extra outdoor time:

• You and the kiddos can sneak in a few extra steps – or spins – by walking or biking to school.

• Create a walking group with your neighbours and have parents rotate between pick-up and drop-off. It’s a great way to meet your neighbours, too!

• For older kids, show them the pathways to get to school so that they know how to get to and from school safely.

• Try out a new mode of transportation – bike, unicycle, scooter! The possibilities are endless.

• Pack a water bottle for the hot days and a jacket for the cooler days. And don’t forget to protect your head with a helmet if you’re biking, unicycling, or scootering.

With a keen interest in urban planning, we’d like to introduce you to Taylor! Taylor is on the board as director of planning, development, and special projects. Taylor has lived in the community her whole life and grown up in the area; seeing its potential for increased community connection, she wanted to be part of the board to activate the spaces all of us call home. Taylor has a special interest in activating spaces that bring people together, bike safety within the community, and strengthening community connection.

We have a couple of events to tell you about. First is the Curbside Community Treasure Hunt on September 9 and 10. We invite you to discover hidden treasures in your neighbourhood and give unused items a new life while keeping them out of landfills.

Here’s how to join the fun:

• Gather reusable items that you no longer need from your home such as books, electronics, toys, kitchen gadgets, and more.

• Mark them with a “Free” label and place them on your property next to the sidewalk or curb during the event days.

• Anyone can pick up these items for use. It’s like a free garage sale at your doorstep!

• Remove items not picked up by 5:00 pm on Sunday and donate them to local charitable organizations.

Next, we are pleased to be bringing back our Family Dinner and Movie Night on Friday, October 6, featuring the Super Mario Bros. Movie. Kids… wear your Halloween costume! The event is free for SCA members and memberships ($20/family) will be available at the event. Space is limited to the first 250 people and all minors must be accompanied by an adult.

For more information on these events, visit our website at

Reminder that the SCA board will be reconvening this month after a hiatus for the summer. Our next board meeting is on Wednesday, September 20 at 7:00 pm. Please feel free to email us at [email protected] should you wish to discuss any community topics!

See you out there,

SCA Board

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