SCA President’s Message for November

Strathcona pm

I just finished off a draft Business Plan for the SCA. They are mythical beasts – hard to capture, easily spooked. The COVID Pandemic sure doesn’t help. You have to answer things like what is your action plan? How are you going to achieve it? How will you measure success? The realistic answer would be ‘I don’t know’ but I don’t think that would satisfy the City of Calgary – our landlord. So, I had to carefully think it through. What is the plan moving forward at the SCA? Number one priority is to increase operational revenue so we can meet the demands of maintaining the building and facilities and look forward to hosting events. For a year and a half, we have been operating week to week (when it hasn’t been day to day) and planning for the future has been far from our minds as we try and keep our noses above water. For now, it is the status quo, roll with the new protocols as they present and try our best to keep the groups in the building safe and our purse strings tight.

We have a new Shelley in the office. Shelley Bartole, previously a development director on the SCA Board, is now working in the office. Shelley B. brings a history of understanding our residents’ concerns about development, traffic, and parking to the job and an enthusiasm that is infectious. It may be a little confusing sorting out messages between the SCA’s two Shelley’s, but we are lucky to have them both!

Please check out the SCA’s website,, for information about programming, rentals, and community news. Cathy Duke, the SCA’s Communications Manager, keeps the information up to date and relevant. The SCA is planning to move forward with a Christmas Craft Fair on December 4, keeping my fingers crossed that COVID doesn’t derail our plans.

I remember growing up, my mom always stopped for a few minutes of silence on November 11 at 11:00 am, offering a little prayer for the brother she lost in the first days of the war. COVID has been miserable, but we are blessed to live in a peaceful country. There are several Remembrance Day services planned across the city, wherever you are please stop for a few minutes on the eleventh and say a little prayer.

Maureen Smith – SCA President