SCA’s June President’s Message

Strathcona pm

My tulips are up so I am hopeful for summer! We have been waiting and waiting to clean up our gardens and plant out our tomatoes and peppers, but it has been a slow crawl to plus temperatures. With any luck, by the time you read this message my tomatoes and peppers will be basking in the warmth of our greenhouse. I write this message on May 3, so I can’t provide an update on the SCA’s AGM or Parade of Garage Sales, but these events mark the start of summer for me – time to clean out last year’s records, start new files, and clean the garage!

At the SCA’s AGM I always ask for new Board Members. We are always looking for community-minded people to join our team. I am thrilled to introduce Taylor Zwarych, who joins the SCA Board with a background (and University degree) in planning and urban development. Already experienced working on a project with the University of Calgary and the Federation of Calgary Communities for the Saddleridge Community Association, Taylor is interested in bringing a similar project to our community. We welcome Taylor and look forward to working with her. Sadly, Adam Schwartz is stepping away from the SCA Board due to opportunities that take him out of our community. Adam, it has been great working with you, I always saw your smiling face at SCA events; you will be missed, all the best in your future endeavors.


There is an increased concern regarding crime in our communities, in particular, Aspen has been hit with several break-ins and thefts. I encourage you to call the Calgary Police Service non-emergency number (403-266-1234) if you witness any suspicious behaviour, which will increase the police presence in your neighbourhood. Don’t make nuisance calls, but if you witness suspicious behaviour, call that number! You can also email the Calgary Police Service at [email protected] with your concerns.

There has also been an increase in graffiti in our neighbourhoods. We take such care of our property, so it can be discouraging to see it defaced. Call 311 to report graffiti and share any additional information; the City of Calgary is good at responding to these calls and coming to clean up the graffiti.

Check out the SCA website ( for spring and summer programming, including summer camps, lots on offer!

A reminder that the SCA, in partnership with Amica Aspen Woods, is hosting a Senior’s Dance on June 24. Tickets are available on the SCA website or by phone (403-249-1138). There will be live music, a cash bar, and snacks.

On July 23, the SCA will host a Recycle and Garbage event, free services include the City of Calgary Garbage and Compostable trucks. If you are a member in good standing with the SCA, other services available include shredding, tire disposal, metal and electronic recycling. The Wildcats football team will also be there to collect all your empty beverage containers to help support their program. This event runs from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Bins are only to be used during the event. No dumping before or after the event! We have arranged for monitoring of our parking lot before and after this event and any dumping will be reported to the police. You are responsible for the proper and lawful disposal of your stuff – don’t make it someone else’s problem. Volunteers needed for this event!

The SCA has made some large grant applications for two major projects: an accessible pathway from the parking lot to the lower level for access to the building’s basement and play areas, and resurfacing the rink, including as many pickleball courts in that space as we can manage. Pickleball has become such a popular sport that courts are in high demand. Wouldn’t it be great if the SCA could put an additional six courts in the rink? Keep your fingers crossed that these grant applications are successful!

Finally, we are always looking for people to join the SCA Board. The old saying that ‘many hands make light work’ is very true. If you have an interest in community engagement, development, gardening and the environment, or a new initiative that we haven’t thought of, the SCA Board is just the place for you to make your mark. Contact me, Maureen Smith, at [email protected]. We can meet for a coffee and discuss opportunities; I will be the one with dirt under my fingernails!

It has been a long two years for us all, and for the SCA to emerge in a position to begin hosting events again is pure joy for us at the SCA. Our doors have been locked for far too long! Please drop by to renew your membership, enroll in a class, signup as a volunteer, or buy a ticket for the dance. Office hours are 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Maureen Smith – SCA President