Senior Moments in Woodcreek

Woodcreek cn

The Woodcreek Seniors’ meetings are scheduled for the first and third Tuesday of each month and begin at 9:30 am. We are extending an invitation to seniors in the community to attend one of our meetings. Come, meet us, have a coffee, and see what the group can offer. We welcome all seniors to our group.

If you are interested in joining, please contact the Woodcreek Community Association at 403-238-1611 for a WCA membership.

Upcoming Meetings:

• February 6

• February 20. Speaker TBA

For further information, please contact Anne, Chairperson, at 403-238-1611 or [email protected], or Sandy, Vice-Chair at [email protected].

Other Weekly Senior Programs Are:

Knitting and Crochet Group – Meets on Monday at 1:00 pm. Contact [email protected].

Bridge – Meets on Tuesday at 1:00 pm. Contact [email protected].

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